"Nested in a stack of information, wrangles text into well-formed content." is a rich text editor that clearly displays the structure of your content.
An administrator defines the allowable HTML structures and how they may be nested.
An editor is easily able to structure their content using any allowable markup (HTML) structures. The editing environment then offers only acceptable structures at any given nesting level, and always enforces well-formed content.
The benefit is that Editors are given the freedom to concentrate on creating content, without having to be concerned about markup structural continuity or validity.


H1 Test

paragraph1 text

H2 Test

paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing paragraph2 testing...

Tag Graph

(in the graph above) The Tags and connections between them are used to ensure that the editor allows only "in-bounds" markup structure.


The way it works can be configured through a graph of tags. The tag graph maps out all allowable combinations of nested tags. The tag graph can allow liberal nesting of tags, or it can limit the nesting of tags that enforces content form. The way it looks can be changed via CSS.

The allowable tag graph is a graph structure (of nodes and edges) representing the possible tags or containers for your content (represented as nodes), and the relationships between these tags, which are allowed inside each (represented as edges).


The "What You See Is What You Get" editor has been so commonly used over the last decades, but the unseen markup produced has been haphazard and unintentionaly sloppy. The truth about WYSIWYG editors is that they produce "out-of-Bounds" HTML structures, the likes of: lists inside of paragraphs; paragraphs inside of span tags; etc. The problem is that the structure of the content is a complete mystery (and largely invisible) to the person editing. For instance, the section of text in a WYSIWYG editor gives no indication of what markup structures are involved. As a result, moving or copying content may cause tag fragments to propagate, resulting in convoluted markup that degrades as successive editors edit content. As markup gets further from what is intended, WYSIWYG editors may even trap a user into a state of "What You See Is What You Are Stuck With."

It is a disservice to allow an editor to blindly alter markup structures and inadvertently contort content based only on the markup rendering.

Although, not all WYSIWYG editors are bad, mixing of content and style together is not ideal. Separation of content and style is what Web developers have been trying to achieve for years. Separating these concerns and enforcing (your definition of) acceptable nested structures, is what stackable.js may be used for.

Freedom Inside Structure

All HTML editing environments have the common goal of protecting the user from the exacting details of correctly coding markup by hand. And the less training that you have to do, the better. For a content editor, "Coding Markup" is a distraction from the crafting good content, so unless they coders at heart, teaching markup is outside of their core task.

The way is to provide the correct amount of structure and to let the content creation flow (freely) within that structure. After all, WYSIWYG editors have had their decade and now people want a UX that clearly displays that previously hidden structure of their content.